Elderly Christian Man's 12-Year Fight to Reclaim Land from Grabbers in Sahiwal

Sahiwal, Pakistan – In a prolonged and heart-wrenching struggle, 75-year-old Shamoun
 Masih, a resident of Kasowal village in the Sahiwal region, continues his fight for the rightful possession of his three and a half acres of land. Masih, a member of the Christian community from the village of 119/7 DR Bombay, has been battling influential individuals who forcibly took over his property over a decade ago.

For the past 12 years, Masih has relentlessly pursued justice, reaching out to various authorities, including the courts, the Deputy Commissioner, and the police. Despite his efforts, he has been met with resistance and indifference. "They tell me I have to support myself to reclaim my land. They cannot help," Masih lamented.

The land dispute began when influential figures, allegedly with the collusion of Masih's own nephew, Pargat Masih, pressured him to sell the property. When Masih refused, tensions escalated into a physical altercation. Eventually, villagers intervened, and the land was divided among the influential parties. However, Masih never relinquished ownership and has been striving to reclaim his land ever since.

The deed to the land is held by the Khanewal Cooperative Society office in Sahiwal, yet the property remains under the control of an influential man named Sarwar, who is believed to be working with Pargat Masih. The Muslim family currently occupying the land also resides in Sahiwal, further complicating Elderly Masih's efforts to regain possession.

Despite his old age and deteriorating health, Shamoon Masih is determined to see justice served. He is now appealing to the higher authorities for intervention. "I humbly appeal to Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz, and the administration to help me get a decision in my favour and to grant me lawful possession of my land," Masih pleaded.

This case highlights the ongoing issues of land grabbing and the challenges faced by marginalized communities in Pakistan. The lack of support and resources for individuals like Shamoon Masih underscores the need for more robust legal protections and enforcement to safeguard the rights of vulnerable citizens.