Islamabad: May 21, 2024: Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar, the Federal Minister for Law and Justice, met with a delegation representing Pakistan's minority communities. This delegation included leaders from the Christian, Hindu, and Sikh communities, along with other notable personalities advocating for minority rights. The primary focus of the meeting was the formation of the National Commission for Minorities Rights, an initiative aimed at safeguarding the interests of minority communities in Pakistan. The delegation expressed their concerns regarding the delay in the commission's establishment, emphasizing the urgent need for a dedicated body to address their issues.

Minister Tarar addressed these concerns by assuring the delegation that the government is making speedy efforts to expedite the formation of the commission. He emphasized that the commission would be inclusive, ensuring representation from all minority communities. "We are committed to creating a commission that truly represents and addresses the needs of all minority groups," Tarar stated. "Your voices will be integral in shaping this body."

Highlighting the government’s determination to protect minority rights, Minister Tarar referenced the previous census data, which indicates a substantial presence of minority populations in Pakistan. He reiterated the government’s commitment to taking tangible steps to protect these communities. "According to the census, minorities form a significant part of our population. It is our duty to ensure their rights are protected and their voices heard," he said.

The law minister stressed the importance of a comprehensive approach in addressing minority issues. He reassured the delegation that the government is dedicated to inclusivity and that the commission will reflect the diverse fabric of Pakistani society. This initiative is part of broader governmental efforts to foster an environment of mutual respect and equality.

The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of optimism and commitment from both the government and the minority representatives. The delegation expressed their appreciation for the minister’s assurances and urged for the swift establishment of the commission. Minister Tarar committed to regular updates and continuous dialogue with minority leaders to ensure transparency and collaborative progress.

This meeting marks a crucial step towards the establishment of the National Commission for Minorities Rights, reflecting the government's commitment to safeguarding the rights of all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. The active involvement of minority leaders in this process underscores a collective effort to build a more inclusive and equitable Pakistan.