School Workers Musarrat Bibi and Muhammad Sarmad Cleared of Blasphemy Charges

Lahore, December 9, 2023 – In a significant ruling by the Court of Additional Sessions Judge Tariq Mahmood in Arifwala, district Pak Pattan, Musarrat Bibi, a Christian widow, and Muhammad Sarmad, a Muslim man, both workers at Government Girls' Higher Secondary School, EB 66, Arifwala, Punjab, were acquitted of blasphemy charges under section 295 B of the Pakistan Penal Code on December 8, 2023.

The case dates back to April 15, 2023, when a First Information Report (FIR) was lodged against the pair, alleging the desecration of the Holy Quran. Sub-Inspector Police Abid Hussain initiated the FIR based on a call from a local, Kashif Nadeem. Upon his arrival at the school, a crowd had gathered, and an initial investigation was underway by Principal Nasreen Saeed and other officials into the actions of Musarrat Bibi, employed as Naib-Qasid, and Mohammad Sarmad, the school gardener.

The two had been tasked with cleaning a storeroom, during which they burned what they believed to be refuse, including paper, due to their illiteracy.

Advocate Lazar Allah Rakha, representing both Bibi and Sarmad, expressed immense relief and satisfaction at the court's decision to acquit. "We are very happy that Bibi and Sarmad are acquitted from the blasphemy charges and proven innocent," said Rakha. He praised the judge's courage and right decision, noting that the FIR lodged against them was wrongful and stressing that his clients had no intention of committing the act they were accused of.

The defense's application for acquittal emphasized that there was no intentional desecration, highlighting the illiteracy of the accused and their inability to recognize the sacred texts. The court's decision was met with gratitude from the Christian and Muslim communities alike, underscoring the potential for unity and understanding in the face of adversity.

Professor Anjum Paul took to social media to extend special thanks to Advocates Lazar Allah Rakha, Javed Masih Sahotra, and Muhammad Saeed Gujjar for their great commitment and professional approach to the case.

This acquittal is seen as a landmark for the legal rights of religious minorities and for due process in Pakistan, where blasphemy accusations can often lead to severe consequences. The outcome serves as a testament to the perseverance of those dedicated to justice and the rule of law.